Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Moving on and Loving It

I just finished week 4, RSS. Thanks to 2 Cents and Sensibility, I managed to figure it out. Merci beaucoup . My week of blogging was pretty gruesome, but thanks to B.C. and his faith in us all, I came in over the finish line on that one. Tagging went suspiciously well. In fact, tagging went so well, I had the confidence to add some touches to my blog. I do believe I'm getting the hang of this. And loving it. I can't wait for flickr week and weeks.
I have a confession to make. I'm not really a horse person. They are beautiful animals, but it's my sister who has the horses. On the other hand, I'm not anti-horse, as my moniker may have suggested. I was merely rambling on about my computer inadequacies as were others and I just felt that it might be tiring for the over-achievers to have to put up with us. Enough said.
Horse (with no name)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More random thoughts

I have a feeling this whole thing is not turning out the way I planned. It took me a good half hour to come up with a url that was acceptable. If the "beating the dead horse" thing comes in somewhere conspicuous, I just want all to know that refers to my agreement with those blogs I read that support the spirit of intellectual growth involved in the krl2pt0 enterprise, while cautioning the decline of other mental processes. Readers might be tired of hearing that point of view. Also, whoever commented on the notion that this develops instruction-following skills was right on. I usually avoid anything that has too many instructions attached. That I signed on to this is a testament to my desire to get my citizenship (alluding to the native/immigrant thing). I'm clearly an immigrant, even though I'm a one-handed cell phone user.

Yes, I was going to add some nice little image in my blog, but I feel absolutely drained after getting this far. Can you tell I'm out of my comfort zone? My comforts are reading, gardening, and cooking. Heck, even working out at the gym is comfort! I'm not giving up on this yet though. By the end of week 19, it HAS to be more comfortable.

Next time,