I just finished week 4, RSS. Thanks to 2 Cents and Sensibility, I managed to figure it out. Merci beaucoup . My week of blogging was pretty gruesome, but thanks to B.C. and his faith in us all, I came in over the finish line on that one. Tagging went suspiciously well. In fact, tagging went so well, I had the confidence to add some touches to my blog. I do believe I'm getting the hang of this. And loving it. I can't wait for flickr week and weeks.
I have a confession to make. I'm not really a horse person. They are beautiful animals, but it's my sister who has the horses. On the other hand, I'm not anti-horse, as my moniker may have suggested. I was merely rambling on about my computer inadequacies as were others and I just felt that it might be tiring for the over-achievers to have to put up with us. Enough said.
Horse (with no name)
Hey Horse (I know your real name, tee hee)I like your blog and your pictures a lot. See, you're not as technologically (is that a word)
challenged as you thought!
That's great that things are going better for you, and I'm happy to have helped. That's a great horse picture btw.
add my 2 cents to "2 Cents"...beautiful picture. and if you ever figure out the meaning of the lyrics to "Horse With No Name", enlighten us all -- it's always been a mystery to me.
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