Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Good-bye MP3 Player

I've gotten behind in the program. I finally made a small contribution to the Kingston wiki site, in addition to having taken the picture of our library's location that replaced the old one. No one at our branch set our to work together, but editing the site is open to all, as long as no one does permanent damage, which I unfortunately did at one point. Working on the WIKI is not as easy as it might appear. I think a little more one-on-one training would have helped some of us "get it" a little quicker.
Twitter is where I say good-bye to the incentive that got me this far. It just doesn't inspire me to want to join, which is the assignment. Not that I don't see the point, but there are other ways to achieve the objective. Actually, it's been a while since I've thought about the reward. Although I don't embrace everything we've been introduced to in the KRL 2PT0 experience, the doing and seeing so many of the "assignments" has indeed expanded my cyborizons.
The student site is truly amazing. I viewed NoteCentric, NoteMesh, Digication, and Jobster.
I wish some of these were available when I went to college. Miss a class, but not the notes! A syllabus online. No more going to the bookstore, waiting in line to buy it.
The sun beckons and I must take a walk.


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